Friday, September 24, 2010

Château La Rochefoucauld

For our first full day in the French countryside we took a trip to the local town of La Rochefoucauld to take a look at the Château.

The family history for this building can be traced back to the 11th Century and viewed on the large genealogy diagrams on the walls of the chapel.

The Château has many levels with my favourite being the grotto two stories below the ground. This is a series of tunnels and caverns carved out of the rock which are pitch black apart from the dim lighting that adds to the spookiness.

On the top floor you will find the Salle De Oiseux. This is a room with clothing rails full of medieval costumes and headgear that you can try on. Pictured here is Jacq ready for battle with her war helmet and (plastic) sword of justice.

More on the Château can be found on their website:

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